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Team Captain Central


Team Roster

Fill your team roster and make sure each “Pub Maniac” is prepared for their hour on the stool!

Coming Soon


We can help! Send us your event info (attach a flyer, picture and Facebook event link if you have them) and we will help spread the word on Facebook, Community Event Calendars, local papers and with a Children’s Auction blog post.


Pub Mania logo, Children’s Auction logo, …Get them here!


Have donations ready to put in the bank for your team?  

Use the special "Pub Mania Deposit Slip" below and make your deposit at any Meredith Village Savings Bank location.  


It's as easy as 1 -2 -3!

1) Fill out the deposit slip in full 

2) Include it with cash/checks in a sealed envelope with only the words Pub Mania on the front

3) Turn it in with the Supervisor On Duty at any Meredith Village Savings Bank location during bank hours.


Thank you to our friends at MVSB and your fellow Barstool Bankers Team Captains, Jami Bordeau & Becky Reposa, for making this so easy!


Want to make some $$$ for your team? Get your team brains together and think big!  
Your team can donate TWO items for the Children's Auction and the money raised will be added to your team's fundraising total. Teams MUST use the special link below to submit auction items and choose their team name from the dropdown list. Items over $300 and donated before Nov. 15 will be on our Auction website ready for bidding.

Stay Tuned


A great way to raise $$$ for your team! Know a business that would like to support the Children's Auction by selling these 4" paper $1, $5 & $10 Christmas ornaments? Check out the information here to get them started.



Feeling competitive?  

The Pub Mania tradition of competition and bragging rights continues on! Stay tuned for the 2025 contest details.

Stay Tuned

2025 Feeding Families

Earn points for your team and help those in need all year long.  Donations may be made to any Lakes Region food pantry.  Get all of your team members on board and vie for the "2025 Feeding Families Award!"  

Need help finding a food pantry?  Click here!


Need to provide a tax form for one of your donor's? Get it here!


This software should make fundraising much easier for you and your team. Sometimes technology gets the best of us though. If that's the case, let us help!


Please use the information below and reference the Community Challenge and your team name:


Greater Lakes Region Charitable Fund For Children Inc
383 South Main Street
Laconia, NH 03246

Federal Tax ID# 47-3815882


It is helpful if you let us know that a check is coming by emailing Jennifer Kelley, Executive Director. When the check arrives, she will let you know and deposit it for your team.


Looking for ideas of how your team can raise money?  Let us help!​

FAQ's â€‹

What is this event all about and why would I want to participate?

Pub Mania has raised over $3.9 million for the Children’s Auction over 16 years. It is all about raising money, giving children and families a helping hand and being part of something fun and exciting that makes a significant impact in our community.


Where does the money go?

Last year the Children’s Auction distributed $609,700 to 60 charitable organizations serving children and families, providing food, clothing, shelter, hygienic needs and Christmas gifts; funding non-profits working to provide basic and extended services for children; funding capital initiatives that improve the lives of children; and funding educational and recreational opportunities for children that could otherwise not afford. See entire list here

What would my team have to do?​

Bottom line answer is to raise money - at least $2,500 - by December 11th, 2025. We support and encourage over-achievement!

How many people do I need on my team?​

You can have a team of 1, but it’s more fun to have a team of 10 and crazy fun to have a team of 100!

Speaking of fun, how can I make this fun for my team?

Now you’re talking!! The sky is the limit on this one. Fun fundraisers are the best. Create your own team shirts and make sure to have some fun team parties as well. Have your team participate in the Light-Up Laconia Holiday Parade. Encourage team members to participate in the Pub Mania Shuffle and other team building, fun fundraising events. Be creative and be careful not to over commit – we want you to play “Plus $1” next year!


How can you help us be successful fundraising?

For starters, we have one of the best fundraising platforms available to you called GiveGab. We’ll build a basic team page for you, but you can customize it with your pictures and message to maximize its effectiveness. Encourage your team members to build their own personal page which adds to the team goal. Check out these links for a GiveGab tutorial and additional Fundraising Ideas.

Where do we take the donations we receive?

You can deposit cash and checks at any Meredith Village Savings Bank, using the deposit slip and procedures listed on it. We will then add these deposit amounts to your Team (or personal) GiveGab page so that you can always see your Team's fundraising total.

What if I have a donor that requires the donation go directly to the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction?

That's great!


Please share the information below with them and ask them to reference Pub Mania 2025, Your Name and Team Name, if possible.


Greater Lakes Region Charitable Fund for Children

383 South Main Street

Laconia NH 03246

Federal Tax ID# 47-3815882


Contact Information:

Jennifer Kelley, Children's Auction Coordinator


Phone: (603) 527-0999

It's helpful if you let us know that it is coming by emailing Jennifer. When the check arrives, she will let you know and deposit it into MVSB for your team.

Why wouldn’t we just make our own check presentation to the Children’s Auction?

It’s all about the kids, so we’re thankful however you prefer to raise funds for the Children’s Auction! However, if you want to be part of an exciting network of committed teams and individuals who are working together to achieve big things, then Pub Mania might be the way to go.


The Children’s Auction and Pub Mania organizers will work to recognize and support each team throughout the year, with press, radio, social media and live on-air interviews at the auction.

Where can I get additional information or to sign-up?

Email Allan Beetle at


Weekdays Open @ 4pm, Weekends Open @ Noon, Closed Tuesdays


18 Weirs Road, Gilford, NH 03249 Phone: (603) 293-0841   

© 2024 by Patrick's Pub & Eatery.

Website created by: SnapRoot Digital Marketing  - Managed and Updated by: LillyDesigns

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