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Weekends Open at Noon
closed Tuesdays
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Pub Mania
Pub Mania 2024, the World's Greatest Barstool Challenge, has come and gone and left behind a record $386,722, bringing the Children's Auction to a new record total of $763,344 for the kids of the greater Lakes Region.
Teams of 12 (one for each hour of the event) represent local businesses, organizations and friends and families committed to making a difference with kids. They create teams and creatively fundraise their way to Closing Ceremonies, where coveted awards await the top teams in this friendly but spirited event.
Planning for Pub Mania 2025 (Dec. 11) is already underway. Email Allan if you're interested in participating.
It's all for the kids, and we invite you to join in the fun and excitement as we take the spirit of giving to a whole new level this year!
Click here if you'd like more information.
to make a Donation to the pub mania Team of your choice

Jennifer & Allan Beetle and supporting cast present the proceeds of Pub Mania and the 2024 Challenge to the Children’s Auction Chair Doug Morrissette.

​Referees of the World’s Greatest Barstool Challenge

Jennifer & Allan Beetle present the proceeds of Pub Mania and the
2023 Challenge to Doug Morrissette, Chair of the Children’s Auction
Check out any or all of the video montages of the past events along with our theme songs "Pub Maniacs Answer the Call" by the Beetle Bailey Blues Band and "Santa Can You Hear Me" written and produced by our friend Rick Page. Most pictures are courtesy of our friend Judi Taggart.

Pub Mania 2019

Pub Mania 2018